Direct hair Transplant in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR
In Normal FUE

The hairs are harvested from donor area and kept in normal saline. After that, the implantation of grafts is started in the bald areas. So every hair graft remains outside the body for 1 – 3 hours.


In Direct Hair Transplant

The hairs are harvested in the same technique as FUE but every graft is implanted immediately or within 10 – 15 mins in the bald areas. So grafts either don’t stay outside the body or even if speed of implantation is slow, it has to be stored in saline or plasma for maximum 10 – 15 mins.

Advantage of Direct Hair Transplant

The Direct Hair Transplant in Gurgaon is basically an effort to minimize the storage time of graft outside your body. It maximizes the chances of survival of all grafts over FUE where we usually calculate 2 % per hour as death rate of grafts stored outside the body. Other advantage of Direct Hair Implantation in Delhi NCR is that the number of hairs shedding initially after the hair transplant decreases significantly and results are faster than normal FUE.

You can get Direct hair Transplant in Gurgaon by expert surgeon at Kalosa. It is one of the best Direct hair Transplant in Clinic in all over Delhi NCR.