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Best  Liposuction Surgery ,Cost ,Doctor in Delhi | Fat Removal Risks & Procedure

Liposuction surgery (lipo)is a popular cosmetic procedure that removes pockets of unwanted fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, and arms.

It’s often referred to as fat removal surgery and can help achieve a slimmer, more sculpted physique.

However, it’s important to understand that liposuction surgery is not a weight-loss solution. It’s best suited for individuals who are already close to their ideal weight but struggle with stubborn fat deposits that don’t respond to diet and exercise.

Looking for Liposuction Surgery in Delhi?

There are many reasons to go the liposuction route, but finding the best liposuction surgeon in delhi , india or liposcution clinic can be a challenge. Dr. Ashish Khare is one of the experienced Board Certified best liposuction surgeons in delhi . He believes that his patient’s safety and satisfaction is priority number one! That’s why he has developed a network of top surgeons who have been carefully selected for their skills and expertise.

He has done specialized training and fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine (Recognized and affiliated to University of Greifswald’s, Germany). He has worked as a consultant in Enhance Cosmetic Clinic, where he has performed numerous cosmetic and plastic surgery like hair transplantgynecomastiarhinoplasty, facelift, breast augmentation, breast reductionliposuctionabdominoplasty, blepharoplasty, scar revisions etc.

He has the vast experience of performing more than 4000+ liposuction surgeries across pan India till now. He does liposuctions using revolutionary technology of VASER (latest techniques of treatment) and redefines your body curves using his sculpting knowledge. He is also the master craftsman in treating liposuction surgery with perfection.

We invite you to contact us today. So, that we can find the best fit for your needs. They have years of experience and know-how to perform this procedure. So, if you want to get rid of excess fat from your body, then consult Dr. Ashish Khare.

Dr. Ashish Khare, Specialist liposuction surgeon in Delhi

Who is the suitable candidate for liposuction surgery?

Ideal candidates for liposuction surgery in Delhi typically have:

  • Stable body weight: Maintaining a healthy weight before and after surgery is crucial for optimal results.
  • Good skin elasticity: Elastic skin allows for better body contouring after fat removal.
  • No smoking: Smoking can impede healing and increase risks.
  • No major health concerns: Underlying health conditions like blood or heart problems may require medical clearance before surgery.

Having unrealistic expectations from surgeries that tend to change appearance is preposterous. As no surgery guarantees weight loss furthermore, liposuction would not get rid of cellulite. It also comes with its risks, so to have it performed, the ideal candidate needs to be in stable body weight, have elastic skin, and do not smoke or drink or have any blood or heart-related disease.

What should be the expectation from liposuction surgery in Delhi?

  • Consultation: Dr. Ashish Khare, a board-certified liposuction surgeon in Delhi, will thoroughly assess your candidacy, discuss goals, and answer any questions. For female patients with hormonal or weight gain concerns (thyroid, PCOS), Dr. Deepti Asthana may be involved.
  • Preparation: Pre-operative instructions will be provided, including blood tests and medication adjustments.
  • Procedure: Liposuction surgery in Delhi is typically performed under anesthesia. Doctors mark targeted areas and take before-and-after photos for documentation.
  • Recovery: Expect swelling, bruising, and discomfort for several days. Compression garments are often recommended to help with healing and shaping.

At Kalosa, Dr. Ashish Khare, a Liposuction Surgeon in Delhi, assesses the patients who want liposuction to be done. In addition, if any female is diagnosed with hormonal issues or weight gain issues like thyroid or PCOS, Dr. Deepti Asthana will assess them.

All the preparations are done, and under the effect of anesthesia, liposuction surgery in Delhi is performed. The doctors are likely to mark the areas where fat removal surgery is to be done and take pictures for before and after-effects.

Are the results of fat removal surgery permanent?

During the liposuction surgery, the fat cells in the body are removed permanently, resulting in a good body shape. However, if the proper diet or workouts are not followed post the procedure, the body can gain weight again with new fat cells. Thus, it would cause the body to gain weight and the unwanted fat deposits in different body areas.

If you want permanent after-effects, keep following a good diet with tons of proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Workout properly and keep consulting your doctor for good advice.

In what areas is liposuction surgery done?

Here are some common areas treated with liposuction in Delhi:

  • Upper Arms: Liposuction can address excess fat in the upper arms, often referred to as “bat wings.”
  • Chin and Neck: Liposuction can define the jawline and improve the appearance of a double chin.
  • Chest (Men): Liposuction can address gynecomastia, a condition causing enlarged male breasts.
  • Abdomen: Liposuction can remove excess fat from the abdomen, creating a flatter stomach.
  • Back and Buttocks: Liposuction can improve the contour of the back and buttocks.
  • Hips and Thighs: This is a popular area for liposuction, targeting stubborn fat deposits on the outer thighs (saddlebags), inner thighs, and hips.
  • Certain parts in our body do not respond very well to diet, and hence, no results of fat loss are seen there. For such areas, liver function surgery is performed to remove the fat cells permanently.Sometimes this fat reduction surgery can also be used for the treatment of gynecomastia.

What is required post liposuction surgery?

Following liposuction surgery, patients typically experience:

  • Compression garments: Wearing fitted garments for 3-4 weeks helps tighten the skin and optimize results.
  • Pain and swelling: Mild to moderate pain and swelling around the treated areas are common for the first 10 days.
  • Incision drainage: Some fluid may seep from the incision sites. This is usually temporary.
  • Weight management: Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to prevent fat deposits from returning.
  • Recovery duration: While hospital stays are typically not required, full recovery can take several weeks.
  • Infection risk: Liposuction carries a risk of infection, so doctors often prescribe antibiotics for two weeks after surgery.

What is the procedure of Liposuction?

  1. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia for small areas (double chin) or general anesthesia for larger areas is chosen based on your needs and safety.
  2. Duration: The procedure typically takes 3-4 hours.
  3. Technology: We use advanced techniques like Microaire Liposuction for faster recovery with minimal pain, swelling, and bruising.
  4. Incisions: Tiny, well-hidden incisions (less than 0.5 mm) minimize scarring.
  5. Recovery: You can go home after observation (local anesthesia) or by evening/next day (general anesthesia).

Liposuction Benefits

  • Sculpt Your Dream Body: Targets stubborn fat for a toned, contoured physique.
  • Boost Confidence: Look and feel your best with a slimmer, more sculpted figure.
  • Improved Health: Reduce fat deposits for potential health benefits.
  • Smoother Skin: May minimize cellulite for a more even appearance.
  • Safe Fat Removal: Proven procedure for eliminating unwanted fat.

What are the risks involved with liposuction surgery?

Every surgery comes with its risk, so is liposuction. If you do not want post-surgery complications, make sure to get your liposuction treatment (lipo treatment)done by medically verified surgeons. You can find the best liposuction surgeon in Delhi at Kalosa Clinic.

However, several possible risks may involve bleeding, complications from anesthesia, infection, fat metabolism, burns, uneven fat removal, reactions to injections, skin sensation changes, and even damage to the nerves and blood vessels.

How to find the best liposuction surgeon in Delhi?

If you have all decided to go with Fat Reduction Surgery in Delhi, next is a search for an expert liposuction surgeon. Here are the helpful points to keep in mind while choosing for the expert liposuction surgeon in Delhi:

  • Make sure the surgeon is experienced and certified.
  • The hospital or clinic where surgery has to be performed is well equipped.
  • Check for hospital/clinic facilities and staff management.
  • Do not forget to check and compare before-after images of previous patients.
  • Read for online reviews and testimonials.
  • A proper and clear consultation is important between you and the surgeon on liposuction surgery.

Why choose Kalosa Clinic for liposuction surgery in Delhi?

  • Board-Certified Expertise: Our procedures are led by Dr. Ashish Khare, a certified liposuction surgeon in Delhi. His extensive experience translates to satisfied patients and successful body contouring results.
  • Transparency and Patient Care: We prioritize clear communication. Our liposuction consultations address all aspects, including expected results, post-surgical care, and potential risks.
  • Focus on Client Needs: Your aesthetic concerns are our priority. We work with you to achieve your desired body shape through personalized liposuction procedures.
  • Confidentiality and Trust: Your privacy matters. We maintain strict patient confidentiality throughout the liposuction process.

If you feel confused with many options for liposuction surgical clinics in Delhi, pick the reliable one. Reach the reputed Liposuction Surgery Clinic in Delhi today like Kalosa for the desired outcomes and fat removal. We ensure the best results for people looking for easy and effective fat removal. We believe in keeping patients’ confidentiality in the liposuction surgical process.

We promise to give the possibility of desired body contouring results and bring the aesthetic concerns of clients on priority. Our lipoplasty consultancy is clear with patients on all aspects, including results, care, possible risks, and more. We are a trustable cosmetic and lipoplasty surgical treatment clinic.

Liposuction is an advanced cosmetic surgical process to enhance your body’s look with effective measures to remove stubborn fat tissues from the body. Our expert Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon Dr, Ashish Khare is a certified Liposuction Surgeon in Delhi to perform lipoplasty. He is experienced and recorded innumerable satisfied clients undergoing liposuction surgical treatment.

What is liposuction surgery cost in Delhi?

The liposuction procedure depends on the type of fat cells, their number, and the area of deposited fat. However, liposuction surgery cost in Delhi vary depending upon the various factor.

  • Area of Treatment: The size and number of areas treated significantly impact cost. Liposuction on the abdomen typically costs more than liposuction on the arms.
  • Liposuction Technique: Different liposuction techniques exist (e.g., tumescent, laser-assisted) with varying equipment needs, influencing the cost.
  • Surgeon Expertise: Experienced, board-certified surgeons may command higher fees due to their skills and reputation.
  • Clinic Facilities: The quality and accreditation of the clinic where the surgery is performed can affect the cost.
  • Anesthesia: The type of anesthesia used (local vs. general) can impact the overall cost.

When it comes to cosmetic surgeries, the quality matters more than the prices. Money is important but not the most significant factor in good health of your body. When you choose a liposuction surgeon in Delhi, the expected prices may be expensive. Still, it is worth it as doctors at kalosa clinic have years of expertise and experience in fat loss surgery.

Liposuction Clinic in Delhi With Before and After Photos

We understand that seeing results is important, so we’re happy to share before and after photos of our satisfied patients

What to Consider When Choosing a Liposuction Clinic Delhi

1. Surgeon Credentials:

  • Is the surgeon board-certified in plastic surgery?
  • Does the surgeon have experience with liposuction, especially in your desired areas?

2. Patient Before and After Results:

  • Can you see before-and-after photos from previous liposuction patients?
  • Does the clinic have positive online reviews and testimonials?

Liposuction Surgery Video

Real Patient Testimonials

Schedule a Consultation for Best Liposuction Surgeon in Delhi

Achieve your desired body shape with expert liposuction surgeons in Delhi. Get a personalized consultation to discuss your goals and options.

Connect with Dr. Ashish Khare


What is exactly liposuction surgery? 

A procedure called liposuction is used to remove extra fat from particular body parts.

Who makes a suitable liposuction candidate? 

People who are nearly at their optimal weight but have localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise are good candidates for liposuction.

In what kind of anaesthesia is liposuction performed? 

Most liposuction procedures are carried out under general anaesthesia.

What is the duration of liposuction results?

The results of liposuction usually last as a permanent change to your body’s shape. But to keep these effects going, you have to commit to healthy behaviours and lifestyle choices wholeheartedly.

Will my weight increase following liposuction? 

Although fat cells are permanently removed by liposuction, weight gain is still possible if a good diet and exercise plan are not maintained.

What can I anticipate from my consultation for liposuction? 

In a consultation for liposuction, the surgeon assesses the patient’s suitability for the procedure, goes over the possible risks and advantages, and answers any queries.

How soon after liposuction can I go back to work? 

Most people are able to return to work a few days to a week after liposuction, though this depends on the specific operation.

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